Results for 'Markus Philipp Förster'

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  1. Auseinandersetzung Zwischen Norbert Hoerster und Joachim Hruschka: Eine Stellungnahme zur antirechtspositivistischen Argumentation.Markus Philipp Förster - 1997 - Rechtstheorie 28 (4):531-538.
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    Biblical ethics: tensions between justice and mercy, law and love.Markus Philipp Zehnder & Peter Wick (eds.) - 2019 - Piscataway: Gorgias Press.
    Biblical theology is confronted with tensions between love and justice. There are sometimes attempts to avoid these tensions by dissolving one side of the opposing concept. One such attempt is to identify love and mercy as the essence of Christian theology, overcoming law and reciprocal justice. However, such a dissolution is irresponsible not only ethically, but also theologically--as the discussion in a number of the studies collected in the present volume will demonstrate.
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    Two sides of the predictive coin: age-related P300 vs. N400 dissociations in language processing differentiate prediction fulfilment from internal model updating. [REVIEW]Schlesewsky Matthias, Philipp Markus, Kretzschmar Franziska, Grewe Tanja, Schumacher Petra, Gumpert Maike & Bornkessel-Schlesewsky Ina - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Beyond Verb Meaning: Experimental Evidence for Incremental Processing of Semantic Roles and Event Structure.Markus Philipp, Tim Graf, Franziska Kretzschmar & Beatrice Primus - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  5. A Social Identity Model of Pro-Environmental Action (SIMPEA).Immo Fritsche, Markus Barth, Philipp Jugert, Torsten Masson & Gerhard Reese - 2018 - Psychological Review 125 (2):245-269.
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  6. Subliminal action priming modulates the perceived intensity of sensory action consequences.Max-Philipp Stenner, Markus Bauer, Nura Sidarus, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Patrick Haggard & Raymond J. Dolan - 2014 - Cognition 130 (2):227-235.
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    User Responses to a Humanoid Robot Observed in Real Life, Virtual Reality, 3D and 2D.Martina Mara, Jan-Philipp Stein, Marc Erich Latoschik, Birgit Lugrin, Constanze Schreiner, Rafael Hostettler & Markus Appel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Humanoid robots are projected to be mass marketed in the future in several fields of application. Today, however, user evaluations of humanoid robots are often based on mediated depictions rather than actual observations or interactions with a robot, which holds true not least for scientific user studies. People can be confronted with robots in various modes of presentation, among them 2D videos, 3D, i.e., stereoscopic videos, immersive Virtual Reality, or live on site. A systematic investigation into how such differential modes (...)
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    Re-construction of action awareness depends on an internal model of action-outcome timing.Max-Philipp Stenner, Markus Bauer, Judith Machts, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Patrick Haggard & Raymond J. Dolan - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 25:11-16.
    The subjective time of an instrumental action is shifted towards its outcome. This temporal binding effect is partially retrospective, i.e., occurs upon outcome perception. Retrospective binding is thought to reflect post-hoc inference on agency based on sensory evidence of the action – outcome association. However, many previous binding paradigms cannot exclude the possibility that retrospective binding results from bottom-up interference of sensory outcome processing with action awareness and is functionally unrelated to the processing of the action – outcome association. Here, (...)
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    Philipp Otto and Eike Gräf (eds.): 3TH1CS: A Reinvention of Ethics in the Digital Age?Markus Haag - 2017 - International Review of Information Ethics 26.
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    Height Simulation in a Virtual Reality CAVE System: Validity of Fear Responses and Effects of an Immersion Manipulation.Daniel Gromer, Octávia Madeira, Philipp Gast, Markus Nehfischer, Michael Jost, Mathias Müller, Andreas Mühlberger & Paul Pauli - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Das Ethische in der Rhetorik des Aristoteles, by Markus Wörner. [REVIEW]Philipp W. Rosemann - 1991 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 33:308-320.
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    György Markus: On the Path of Culture – Editorial Introduction.Robert Sinnerbrink, John Rundell, Danielle Petherbridge & Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2013 - Critical Horizons 14 (2):125-126.
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    Eine Diskussion mit Markus Gabriel: phänomenologische Positionen zum Neuen Realismus.Peter Gaitsch, Sandra Lehmann & Philipp Schmidt (eds.) - 2017 - Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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    The Relevance of Explanatory First-Person Approaches (EFPA) for Understanding Psychopathological Phenomena. The Role of Phenomenology.Philipp Schmidt - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  15. The moral behavior of ethics professors: A replication-extension in German-speaking countries.Philipp Schönegger & Johannes Wagner - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (4):532-559.
    ABSTRACTWhat is the relation between ethical reflection and moral behavior? Does professional reflection on ethical issues positively impact moral behaviors? To address these questions, Schwitzgebel and Rust empirically investigated if philosophy professors engaged with ethics on a professional basis behave any morally better or, at least, more consistently with their expressed values than do non-ethicist professors. Findings from their original US-based sample indicated that neither is the case, suggesting that there is no positive influence of ethical reflection on moral action. (...)
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  16. Towards a phenomenological conception of experiential justification.Philipp Berghofer - 2020 - Synthese 197 (1):155-183.
    The aim of this paper is to shed light on and develop what I call a phenomenological conception of experiential justification. According to this phenomenological conception, certain experiences gain their justificatory force from their distinctive phenomenology. Such an approach closely connects epistemology and philosophy of mind and has recently been proposed by several authors, most notably by Elijah Chudnoff, Ole Koksvik, and James Pryor. At the present time, however, there is no work that contrasts these different versions of PCEJ. This (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Modern science and its philosophy.Philipp Frank - 1941 - New York: Arno Press.
  18. Motivating and defending the phenomenological conception of perceptual justification.Philipp Berghofer - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1–18.
    Perceptual experiences justify. When I look at the black laptop in front of me and my perceptual experience presents me with a black laptop placed on my desk, my perceptual experience has justificatory force with respect to the proposition that there is black laptop on the desk. The present paper addresses the question of why perceptual experiences are a source of immediate justification: What gives them their justificatory force? I shall argue that the most plausible and the most straightforward answer (...)
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    Freiheit Und Staatlichkeit Bei Kant: Die Autonomietheoretische Begründung von Recht Und Staat Und Das Widerstandsproblem.Philipp-Alexander Hirsch (ed.) - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Wie verhalten sich Freiheit und Staatlichkeit in Kants Rechtslehre? Und welche Bedeutung kommt hierbei seiner kritischen Moralphilosophie zu? Hirschs Untersuchung zeigt, dass bei Kant Recht und Staat notwendige Realisationsbedingungen individueller Autonomie sind. Erst als autonome und selbstzweckhafte Personen haben wir Freiheitsrechte, welche wir aber nur im Staat legitim behaupten können. Denn nur unter der Idee von Staatlichkeit als Vereinigung des gesetzgebenden Willens aller kann rechtliche Fremdverpflichtung als Selbstverpflichtung begriffen werden. Staatlichkeit dient damit der Verwirklichung individueller Autonomie und Freiheit. Hierin liegt (...)
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  20. Transcendental Phenomenology and Unobservable Entities.Philipp Berghofer - 2017 - Perspectives 7 (1):1-13.
    Can phenomenologists allow for the existence of unobservable entities such as atoms, electrons, and quarks? Can we justifiably believe in the existence of entities that are in principle unobservable? This paper addresses the relationship between Husserlian transcendental phenomenology and scientific realism. More precisely, the focus is on the question of whether there are basic epistemological principles phenomenologists are committed to that have anti-realist consequences with respect to unobservable entities. This question is relevant since Husserl’s basic epistemological principles, such as the (...)
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    Relativity, as richer truth.Philipp Frank - 1951 - London,: Cape.
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    Untersuchungen über die Grundfragen des Sprachlebens.Philipp Wegener - 1885 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Edited by E. F. K. Koerner.
    Newly edited by Konrad Koerner (University of Ottawa), with an introduction by Clemens Knobloch (Universitat Siegen)The importance of Wegener's Untersuchungen uber die Grundfragen des Sprachlebens can only be compared to that of Karl Buhler's Sprachtheorie. Even now, however, Wegener's work remains virtually unknown to the English speaking world. Wegener's main work was published in 1885. It has its origin in two lectures given in 1883 and 1884 at school teacher meetings held in the Magdeburg area and it still recalls those (...)
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    Provinces of Imaginative Intelligence: A Taxonomy.Philipp Dorstewitz - 2020 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 56 (4):600-619.
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    Glück.Philipp Brüllmann - 2011 - In Christof Rapp & Klaus Corcilius (eds.), Aristoteles-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 259-266.
    Übersetzt man eudaimonia mit ›Glück‹, dann ist zu berücksichtigen, dass der griechische Term weder das Zufallsglück meint noch Glück im Sinne einer Emotion. Der Ausdruck eudaimonia bezeichnet vielmehr ein insgesamt gelungenes und glückliches Leben – ein Leben, auf das die Charakterisierungen eu zên und eu prattein zutreffen. Die Frage ›Was ist das Glück?‹ entspricht also der sokratischen Frage ›Wie soll man leben?‹.
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  25. The Fuzzy Brain. Vagueness and Mapping Connectivity in the Human Cerebral Cortex.Philipp Haueis - 2012 - Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 37 (6).
    While the past century of neuroscientific research has brought considerable progress in defining the boundaries of the human cerebral cortex, there are cases in which the demarcation of one area from another remains fuzzy. Despite the existence of clearly demarcated areas, examples of gradual transitions between areas are known since early cytoarchitectonic studies. Since multi-modal anatomical approaches and functional connectivity studies brought renewed attention to the topic, a better understanding of the theoretical and methodological implications of fuzzy boundaries in brain (...)
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    Embodiment, Movement and Agency in Neuroethics.Philipp Kellmeyer, Oliver Müller & Julia Voigt - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (1):1-3.
    Emerging neurotechnologies, such as brain-computer interfaces, interact closely with a user’s body by enabling actions controlled with brain activity. This can have a profound impact on the user’s experience of movement, the sense of agency and other body-and action-related aspects. In this introduction to the special issue “Mechanized Brains, Embodied Technologies”, we reflect on the relationships between embodiment, movement and agency that are addressed in the collected papers.
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    Mountains of Sublimity, Mountains of Fatigue: Towards a History of Speechlessness in the Alps.Philipp Felsch - 2009 - Science in Context 22 (3):341-364.
    ArgumentThe discovery of the Alps in the second half of the eighteenth century spawned an aesthetics of sublimity that enabled overwhelmed beholders of mountains to overcome their confusion symbolically by transforming initial speechlessness into pictures and words. When travelers ceased to be content with beholding mountains, however, and began climbing them, the sublime shudder turned into something else. In the snowy heights, all attempts to master symbolically the challenging landscape was thwarted by vertigo, somnolence, and fatigue. After 1850, physiologists intervened, (...)
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    Die Theorie des Guten in Aristoteles' "Nikomachischer Ethik".Philipp Brüllmann - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Aristoteles' Ethik basiert auf der These, dass sich Güter als Strebensziele begreifen lassen. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll dabei helfen, diese These besser zu verstehen. Sie untersucht die Voraussetzungen und die Konsequenzen der teleologischen Konzeption des Guten. Der Gemeinplatz von der Aristotelischen "Strebensethik" wird neu beleuchtet. Als Ausgangspunkt dient eine genaue Lektüre der ersten Kapitel der Nikomachischen Ethik. Hier wird deutlich, dass Aristoteles einer teleologischen Güterkonzeption kritischer gegenübersteht, als üblicherweise angenommen wird. Die Gleichsetzung von Gütern und Zielen bietet zwar den Zugang (...)
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  29. (1 other version)The Co-Presentational Character of Perception.Philipp Berghofer & Harald A. Wiltsche - 2019 - In . pp. 303-322.
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  30. Husserl’s Project of Ultimate Elucidation and the Principle of All Principles.Philipp Berghofer - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (3):285-296.
    It is well known that Husserl considered phenomenology to be First Philosophy—the ultimate science. For Husserl, this means that phenomenology must clarify the ultimate phenomenological-epistemological principle that leads to ultimate elucidation. But what is this ultimate principle and what does ultimate elucidation mean? It is the aim of this paper to answer these questions. In section 2, we shall discuss what role Husserl’s principle of all principles can play in the quest for ultimate elucidation and what it means for a (...)
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    Why Husserl is a Moderate Foundationalist.Philipp Berghofer - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (1):1-23.
    Foundationalism and coherentism are two fundamentally opposed basic epistemological views about the structure of justification. Interestingly enough, there is no consensus on how to interpret Husserl. While interpreting Husserl as a foundationalist was the standard view in early Husserl scholarship, things have changed considerably as prominent commentators like Christian Beyer, John Drummond, Dagfinn Føllesdal, and Dan Zahavi have challenged this foundationalist interpretation. These anti-foundationalist interpretations have again been challenged, for instance, by Walter Hopp and Christian Erhard. One might suspect that (...)
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  32. The Erotetic Theory of Attention: Questions, Focus and Distraction.Philipp Koralus - 2014 - Mind and Language 29 (1):26-50.
    Attention has a role in much of perception, thought, and action. On the erotetic theory, the functional role of attention is a matter of the relationship between questions and what counts as answers to those questions. Questions encode the completion conditions of tasks for cognitive control purposes, and degrees of attention are degrees of sensitivity to the occurrence of answers. Questions and answers are representational contents given precise characterizations using tools from formal semantics, though attention does not depend on language. (...)
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  33. Husserl’s Conception of Experiential Justification: What It Is and Why It Matters.Philipp Berghofer - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (2):145-170.
    The aim of this paper is twofold. The first is an interpretative one as I wish to provide a detailed account of Husserl’s conception of experiential justification. Here Ideas I and Introduction to Logic and Theory of Knowledge: Lectures 1906/07 will be my main resources. My second aim is to demonstrate the currency and relevance of Husserl’s conception. This means two things: Firstly, I will show that in current debates in analytic epistemology there is a movement sharing with Husserl the (...)
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    Distal and non-distal pairs.Philipp Hieronymi & Travis Nell - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (1):375-383.
    The aim of this note is to determine whether certain non-o-minimal expansions of o-minimal theories which are known to be NIP, are also distal. We observe that while tame pairs of o-minimal structures and the real field with a discrete multiplicative subgroup have distal theories, dense pairs of o-minimal structures and related examples do not.
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  35. Einstein, His Life and Times.Philipp Frank - 1951 - Science and Society 15 (1):89-93.
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  36. Modern Science and Its Philosophy.Philipp Frank - 1951 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2 (6):168-169.
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  37. Le principe de causalité et ses limites.Philipp Frank - 1938 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 45 (2):5-6.
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    Summary.Philipp Frank - 1937 - Erkenntnis 7 (1):390-392.
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    Der junge Jacob Burckhardt im Kontext: Geschichtswissenschaft als Gegenwartskunst.Philipp Müller - 2003 - In Dagmar Stegmüller, Christian Mehr & Ulrich Muhlack (eds.), Historisierung Und Gesellschaftlicher Wandel in Deutschland Im 19. Jahrhundert. Akademie Verlag. pp. 113-134.
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    Aizanoi and Anatolia.Philipp Niewöhner - 2006 - Millennium 3 (1).
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    Simulation-based learning influences real-life attitudes.Philipp C. Paulus, Aroma Dabas, Annalena Felber & Roland G. Benoit - 2022 - Cognition 227 (C):105202.
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    Logik deskriptiver normativer Begriffe.Peter Philipp - 1993 - In Werner Stelzner (ed.), Philosophie Und Logik: Frege-Kolloquien 1989 Und 1991. De Gruyter. pp. 249-293.
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  43. Adaptivity.Philipp Scholl & Andreas Kaminski - 2011 - In Mühlhäuser Max, Sesink Werner, Steimle Jürgen & Andreas Kaminski (eds.), IATEL. Interdisciplinary approaches to technology-enhanced learning. Waxmann. pp. 209–214.
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    Eco-Sufficiency and Distributive Sufficientarianism – Friends or Foes?Philipp Kanschik - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (5):553-571.
    The notion of sufficiency has recently gained some momentum in separate discourses on distributive justice (‘sufficientarianism') and the environment (‘eco-sufficiency'). An investigation of their relationship is warranted, as their scope overlaps in areas such as environmental justice and socio-economic policy. This paper argues that the two understandings of sufficiency are incompatible, because eco-sufficiency has adopted an extremely perfectionist view of the good life while sufficientarianism is committed to pluralism. A plausible explanation for this incompatibility relates to the two different meanings (...)
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  45. Between Physics and Philosophy.Philipp Frank - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52:220.
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    Modern Science and its Philosophy.Relativity: A Richer Truth.Philipp Frank & Albert Einstein - 1950 - Journal of Philosophy 47 (23):666-671.
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    Why Husserl’s Universal Empiricism is a Moderate Rationalism.Philipp Berghofer - 2018 - Axiomathes 28 (5):539-563.
    Husserl claims that his phenomenological–epistemological system amounts to a “universal” form of empiricism. The present paper shows that this universal moment of Husserl’s empiricism is why his empiricism qualifies as a rationalism. What is empiricist about Husserl’s phenomenological–epistemological system is that he takes experiences to be an autonomous source of immediate justification. On top of that, Husserl takes experiences to be the ultimate source of justification. For Husserl, every justified belief ultimately depends epistemically on the subject’s experiences. These are paradigms (...)
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    Between physics and philosophy.Philipp Frank - 1941 - Cambridge, Mass.,: Harvard University Press.
    Introduction: Historical background.--The law of causality and experience (1908)--The importance of Ernst Mach's philosophy of science for our times (1917)--Physical theories of the twentieth century and school philosophy (1929)--Is there a trend today toward idealism in physics? (1934)--The positivistic and the metaphysical conception of physics (1935)--Logical empiricism and the philosophy of the Soviet Union (1935)--Philosophical misinterpretations of the quantum theory (1936)--What "length" means to the physicist (1937)--Determinism and indeterminism in modern physics (1938)--Ernst Mach and the unity of science (1938).
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    The Influence of Global Business Regulation: Beyond Good Corporate Conduct.Philipp Pattberg - 2006 - Business and Society Review 111 (3):241-268.
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    “The Right to Self-determination”: Right and Laws Between Means of Oppression and Means of Liberation in the Discourse of the Indigenous Movement of Ecuador.Philipp Altmann - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (1):121-134.
    The 1970s and 1980s meant an ethnic politicization of the indigenous movement in Ecuador, until this moment defined largely as a class-based movement of indigenous peasants. The indigenous organizations started to conceptualize indigenous peoples as nationalities with their own economic, social, cultural and legal structures and therefore with the right to autonomy and self-determination. Based on this conceptualization, the movement developed demands for a pluralist reform of state and society in order to install a plurinational state with wide degrees of (...)
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